Thursday 24 January 2013

Mock Ups Of Print Products- Magazine Review & Poster

Today we created mock ups of our short film magazine review page and poster. I created the film poster sketch and my partner created the film review sketch. These were formed on the basis the case studies we analysed previously. We used similar features to our case studies as our film and the films we chose for our case studies had the same/similar genre. We have used conventions of real magazine reviews and posters as our case studies show. Below are the mock ups of both products which we soon hope to pitch to a group of people for constructive feedback.

^ This is the review page of our short film. my partner created this sketch while i wrote out the actual review. This review contains all the pieces of information and images we hope to include as shown in the sketch.

^ This is the film poster layout we hope to create which i created using our chosen case studies. The image plays the main role in catching the audiences attention. i have also included other key factors such as promotional information, quotes, character names, directors names etc.

However, due to the snow we have to change our idea of using a location shoot. Hence, over the next few days we will be carrying out our studio photography for the poster and review page. Also we had to change our idea of using  group picture to a side image of our main character with other characters being placed within her head just like the Bullet Boy poster. We will be showing the progress we have made while creating the print products.

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