Tuesday 2 October 2012

Pre-Production: Auditions proposals


ž Fate has united Kevin with meeting a girl Alisha who he believes is his girlfriend, little does he know the effect of being engulfed into her lies will result into his own murder. Meet the story of a 17year old young boy who was led to his own death by his 18year old love, someone he thought was his own.
2 Lead Roles:
1.    Lead male: murderer, Alisha’s (lead female) boyfriend- role of this character is to kill the other male character as part of a conspiracy alongside with the lead female
2.    Lead female (Alisha): murderer’s girlfriend sets up conspiracy to kill one of the male leaders who she pretends to like even though she has a boyfriend. Alisha is studying her last year at college. Unable to cope with college life due to being bullied, Alisha can’t take the stress and pressure so decides to relieve her tension in setting up a conspiracy in order to make herself feel like her life is not so bad as others she sets Kevin up into a disastrous ‘honey trap’.
·       Needs to have a confident attitude as well as a cunning approach.

We also need three bullies who will intimidate the lead female, Alisha which leads her to set up a conspiracy. The three bullies need to be confident and patronising.
All filming will be carried out on one day, preferably a Saturday in 3weeks time. No specific props just general street wear.

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