Sunday 23 September 2012

Case Study One- BEN AND JACKIE

Case Study One- Ben And Jackie

Synopsis of the video: The synopsis of this video is based around a typical taxi driver called Ben. Through this short film his thoughts of a typical Monday are expressed. So we see that he does not like his usual Mondays as nothing good happens for him. However, he does have a crush on a particular customer called Jackie who he thinks enlightens his Mondays until, the day when he is going to ask her out which doesn't turn out to good as she introduces her boyfriend to Ben. So he is back to the typical unlucky Mondays.

Type of video: This video is a clear linear narrative video as a voice over is used in order to express Ben's views. Through this the audience get to understand what is going on in Ben's head and also get an idea of what the film is actually trying to show them. Additionally, Ben's facial expressions represent the narrative messages in order for the audience to get a better understand of what is been implied in the short film.

Theme and Motifs: This video is based around live action throughout. This is clearly seen as in whole video Ben's work is given clear importance, there are no monologues or on stage based themes. It is all live to portray his typical Mondays. Another clear theme is the idea of complex love as he is so aware of the fact that he truly likes Jackie but never tries to approach her in such a way and then when he finally wants too he finds out she already has a boyfriend.

Representation of characters: Every character in this short film is shown as a typical character. The main character itself (Ben) is portrayed as a archetypal taxi driver who gets annoyed by his customers whether its through arguments, noise, fighting or even being filthy and dirtying his care. Jackie is also a typical female role character as she is is beautiful, friendly towards Ben and makes his day delightful. Other characters in the short film are also represented as typical as the customers on a Monday will always be all over the place if they are teenagers even and argumentative customers. Jackie's boyfriend could in some way portray a typical boyfriend who is genuine and relaxed therefore does not say much. Typical characters are used to help the audience understand the short film better as it has a certain amount of time to gt the points across and if typical characters are not used the audience may not understand the short film.

Camera Angles/Special Effects/ Mise En Scene And Editing Techniques: There are various techniques used in this short film that give it a lot of meaning in targeting the audience. There are close ups and master shots used in the short film. Close ups are used on the flowers to show there relevance in the scene and close ups are used on the characters to show facial expressions this is clearly used on Ben to show his mood and used on Jackie when she is sitting in the car. With Ben it shows how miserable his Mondays are like at the start of the short film where he doesn't seem to happy, however with Jackie she seems very happy and joyful in appearance. Master shots are used from the windscreen to give the audience a better picture of what is happening in the scene. This shot is quite important when Jackie's boyfriend is first introduced as the expressions on Ben's face are not on a positive side, Jackie is proudly and happily introducing her boyfriend and her boyfriend seems quite genuine and pleased to meet Ben. Master shots themselves are used to give an overall picture of the scene including gestures, body language. The mise en scene is realism as natural lighting is used to reflect that it is a normal, casual day therefore no stage scenes. Realism is also portrayed through costumes which are normal everyday clothing and the car is of a normal typical taxi driver car nothing special. The main important prop used is the flowers as it has relevance in Ben's crush for Jackie. The sound used is mainly diegetic however when voice overs were used to express Ben's views/emotions it is non-diegetic sound. The cutting rate of the film itself is slow this could be to create the effect of a slow, boring Monday as it would be in Ben's opinion.

Target Audience: The target audience for this short film is everyone. This is because a lot of age groups are approached in this video as it is kept genuine, which clearly shows through lexis of the dialogues and voice over which is low to mid and even action itself is not too much for younger age audience and not too less for older based audience. however a direct age group if appropriate would be teenagers and people is their 20's as children or elderly may not feel so interested in a love based story or something that does not specifically include them as no children or elderly people were in the short film so they may feel alienated in this way.

Ideas To Use: The idea I will consider to use is the theme of complex love so a boy liking a girl who already has a boyfriend but he is unaware of this. Also basing the video on live action and using voice overs to express characters views is a good idea which i will also consider as it gives the short film meaning to its messages in depth. For camera angles using close ups will also be used in order to show facial expressions of the characters and extreme close ups for relevant objects..

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