Tuesday 25 September 2012


Nightmare on Elm Street

Synopsis of the video: A group of teenagers are being stalked by Freddy Krueger, a killer who hunts them down in their dreams. while they are awake they are able to protect eachother however in their sleep they are in a horrible trouble and there is no way out.

Type of video: This video is a non linear narrative video as it has no clear beginning, middle and end which follows through in the horror. through this the audience are able to see how the journey of these teenagers bring them to different types of horror elements such as  violence such as a stabbing etc.

Theme and Motifs: This film uses live action aswell as animation as all tehcharcters are human apart from the actual killer. There is a serious atmosphere as it is a horror/thriller, the film also has a tense atmosphere in order to draw the audience in. violence is another theme as blood is involved which is typical of a thriller film.

Representation of characters: The characters are presented as normal teenagers living with their families. However life for them changes when Freddy Krueger starts to stalk them. Freddy Krueger is shown as a non-human character hence protraying the non-real element of the thriller. The teeenagersare also represented as scared and strong to last with such atragedy until the last scene.

Camera Angles/Special Effects/ Mise En Scene And Editing Techniques: the prop used are a knife for the stabbing and food. the characters are wearing casual clothing. the scene is located inside the cafe. close ups are used for the food, his hand when it has blood on it in order to show the audience clearly and screate a tense atmosphere. also close upsare used on the teenagers himself in order to see the scared facial expression he is protraying. side view is used to sho the direction he is walking in. back view is showed to make teh audience see that he is being stalked by Freddy Krueger but is unaware of this. A wide-shot is also used here to show the location, clothing and posture. their is also tilting using when the girl from the cafe is shown this is possibly to make the audience think who the person is and to convey a tense atmosphere. the sounds and music in tehfilm are used to create and build suspense such as when Freddy Krueger is following the teenager. sound of the squeeky door also create suspense to who is there.

Target Audience: The target audience are upper teenagers as students are used within the film. chidren however will find this sort of film disturbing as blood and other horror elements are used.

Ideas To Use:
  • involvments of knifes and stabbing- conveying violence
  • using students to relate to the audience- teenagers
  • playing with the audiences mind- keep them thinking
  • suspense created the hand with blood bit

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