Monday 24 September 2012

Case Study Two- MY MURDER

My Murder

Synopsis of the video: In this short film a girl called Samantha is originally going out with a guy who is in a gang, he doesn't give her much time or attention and that is when she meets Shakhilus (main character). when her boyfriend finds out he gets really angry as he is over protective and that's when they decide to set a honey trap which end in a tragic way.

Type of video: This video is a clear linear narrative video as a voice over is used by Shakilus. Through this the audience get to understand what he had to go through from his point of view and also get an idea of what the film is actually trying to show them. Additionally, Shakhilus facial expressions in the murder scene represent the narrative messages in order for the audience to get a better understand of what is been implied in the short film.

Theme and Motifs: This film is based around live action throughout in order to convey a serious atmosphere. this is clearly seen through the film as violence, conflict relationships and tension are clearly seen in the film as these are also the key themes. these are also expected themes as the genre which is a thriller conveys this.

Representation of characters: typical characters are used in this film as it is a short film and the audience will find it easier to understand such a film. for example a protective boyfriend, lonely girlfriend, supportive film and a gang. these characters also play a key role towards the genre as it is a thriller and such characters are expected. Shakilus is shown as a friendly, decent and a guy who just likes to have fun with out causing any trouble. Samantha is an average girl who is going out with a 'gangster', she rarely gets any attention by him but she still seeks it as much as she can, she just wants someone there for her. Samantha's boyfriend is part of a gang and as he is so into it he doesn't give Samantha any time however hes over protective hence he don't want any boy around his girlfriend.

Camera Angles/Special Effects/ Mise En Scene And Editing Techniques: close ups are used to show facial expressions of the characters- such as at the bus stop close up of Alisha not being able to face Shakilus possibly because of the guilt she has within her, Alisha in the field as she is just still watching Shakilus being hit and then again when Shakilus is stabbed ad is laying on the floor hence showing the pain he is in through his facial expressions. mid shots are used to show what the characters are wearing and their postures. mid-shots are sued in the bus when Samantha and Shakilus are seated at the top of the bus. they are wearing casual clothing. Shakilus looks relaxed however Samantha looks unease and scared. wide-shots are used to show location, clothing and postures. these are used in running scenes such as when the gang is running after Shakilus. the gang are wearing tracksuits. the location is the street and then the field at the back of the flats. mid-shot and wide-shot are used in the field during the stabbing scene between the gangs, Samantha's boyfriend and Shakilus. high camera angle is used when Samantha and Shakilus are leaving the bus and again from the flat view. over the shoulder view is also viewed of the person calling the police in the flat. birds eye view is used at the end of the film this could be to show the overall location and convey it is the end. the only props used are a phone and a knife which associates with the genre as the 21st century is a technology based generation and the theme of youth and their lifestyle. the only sounds used were the sound of wind on the street and voice over at the end of the film when the police arrive. locations used are the bus, bus stop, street and the back garden field.

Target Audience: Teenagers are the key target audience as they are used in the film but also because they are most likely to be able to relate to such a story concerning violence, gangs and the youth lifestyle in today's world. they may no someone who has been in the same position as the main character (Shakilus)

Ideas To Use:
  • using the theme of complex love
  • violence- stabbing
  • main girl character not getting much attention from her boyfriend
  • having a story which people could relate to- a reality of today
  • using a knife as a key prop
  • mobile phones- play a key role in communication

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