Wednesday 7 November 2012

Pre-Production: Script

Script for Drive2Death

Alisha walks past bullies.
Bully 1: Oi you!
Bully 2: Err Look at her
All bullies: (Laugh) Come here!
Alisha looks towards the bullies and shivers
All bullies walk towards Alisha
Bully 2: Got some p?
Alisha: Leave me alone
Bullies mutter under their breath as Alisha walks away

Alisha is with her boyfriend in the park
Alisha hugs her boyfriend and has a scared look on her face
Alisha’s boyfriend: What’s wrong babygirl?
Alisha moves back and sighs
Alisha: This has been happening for a while now, and I just didn’t know how to tell you.
Alisha’s boyfriend: Just tell me what happened
Alisha: Basically, I was on my way to see you when some boys started to harass me
Alisha’s boyfriend: What the hell! What did they do? Who were they?!
Alisha: They called me and were harassing me for money. I don’t know who they are
Alisha’s boyfriend: What the hell! Why didn’t you call me?
Alisha: Coz you’re never there for me, that’s why!
Alisha’s boyfriend: Oh, so this is my fault? You’re such a bloody drama queen.
Alisha: Oh whatever! I knew you wouldn’t understand. I don’t even know why I told you

Alisha walks away, gets her phone out and exits the park
She walks on down the road without watching where she is going
She then bumps into Kevin
Kevin: Oh sorry, are you okay?
Alisha: Yeah, just got a lot going on at the moment
Kevin: Trust, we all do (.) You can tell me about it if you want to
Alisha: No, I don’t really want to talk about it
Kevin: Well you can take my number and just drop me a text if you ever wanna
Alisha: Alright. Give me your number then
Kevin and Alisha exchange numbers

An hour later at the bus stop
Alisha receives a call from Kevin
Alisha: Hello…
Half An Hour Later Alisha puts down the phone from Kevin
Alisha: Alwite ill chat to you later, bye.

Alisha’s expressions change from happy to slightly tense
Alisha holds her head as she screams in frustration of having flashbacks of all the bullying
Bully 1: Yoo!
Alisha: Do I know you?
Bully1: Don’t talk to me like that
Bully 1 kisses his teeth

Bully 1: Oi you b****!
Alisha walks away
Alisha: monologue- No one truly understands what I’m going through, I just wish someone could feel the pain I feel.

Kevin walks through the park as he texts Alisha
Alisha meets up with her boyfriend on the street and begins to sort things out between them
Alisha’s boyfriend: I didn’t mean to offend you the other day I’m sorry babe I should have understand and supported you
Alisha receives a text from Kevin
Alisha looks scared to what her boyfriend is going to think and her boyfriend stares at her in confusion
Alisha’s boyfriend: who texed you?
Alisha: It’s no one babe
Alisha’s boyfriend: don’t lie to me; your face says it all. So tell me!
Alisha: okay sighs there’s this boy
Alisha’s boyfriend: what boy?
Alisha: well you know after me and you had that argument I bumped into some boy and he was just tryna cheer me up so we exchanged numbers
Takes a deep breath as her boyfriend begins to get angry
He’s just a friend I promise
Alisha’s boyfriend: I don’t care who he is, no one comes near you. Do you fukn understand
Alisha: there’s more to the story then that
Flashbacks in Alisha’s head from scene 1 to 3 as she tells the story
Alisha: I know I should have told you before I’m really sorry
Alisha’s boyfriend: oh so you think sorry ganna solve everything?
Alisha: ermm pauses I’ve got a little plan
Alisha’s boyfriend: go on id love to hear this
Alisha: we could set Kevin up if you’re up for it
Alisha’s boyfriend nods his head in a mischievous way as he smiles and Alisha texts Kevin.
Kevin receives a text from Alisha as he is walking through Wanstead flats saying ‘meet me in half an hour at the park, cant w8 lots of love Alisha xoxo’
Alisha gets flashbacks of the bullying again as she is walking down the road and then again at the end of the road as Alisha begins to frustrate.

Kevin is sitting on the bench in the park waiting for Alisha
Alisha then arrives and sits next to Kevin on the bench
Kevin: so how come you decided to link up
Alisha: well you don’t seem like a bad guy, so why not
Both characters seem happy as they talk and Alisha texts her boyfriend saying ‘where in the park babe xx’
Alisha’s boyfriend heads/runs towards the park

Kevin slowly leans in to kiss Alisha as Alisha’s boyfriend enters the park and looks around to find Alisha and Kevin.
Once Alisha’s boyfriend spots where Alisha and Kevin are he creeps up from behind, takes his knife out and stabs Kevin from the back.

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