Monday 12 November 2012

Tragedy @ the last minute!!

During the weekend we had a really big situation with the actors. The character of Kevin said he cant make it for the weekend and so did the character of Alisha. so we decided to change it to Monday but there was also a problem with that as the bully goes to a different college so we had to re-arrange for another bully therefore i asked my Friend (Alisha's boyfriend) and he asked his friend if he is interested. so we are now going to use his friend. we also had to change Alisha's character as she was not available on Monday so my partner asked one of the girls he knows instead. we had to sort out new timing for everything and we are filming from 10 till 3.

1 comment:

  1. Humaira, there are some useful updates now and some detailed pre-production documents which demonstrate the work you're putting in. You still haven't uploaded your creative account of research and planning, or the other case studies. You also need to ensure you're updating your blog as you edit.
