Thursday 20 December 2012

The Kite Runner Review Analysis

  • the one main image is used at the top of the page which is taken directly from the film
  • the colour schemes used are red, white and black
  • red is used to make the film review stand out in an ordinary and simple way
  • it could also connote the meaning behind the colour red as danger and blood
  • character names are mentioned on the review in a small font on the side of the picture this is done make the audience identify the character and to make them aware if they are not already
  • half the page covers the main review which is written in columns this could be to suit the audience and make it easy and quick to read
  • text boxes are not sued however the text does have subheadings such as verdict which the audience may want to read before or after reading the actual review
  • page numbers, magazine name and issue date are all written at the bottom of the page in a small font
  • a mid-shot is used to make the audience aware of location, clothing and posture of the characters
  • star rating is also used however is very smll and on the bottom of teh page this could signify that its inportance in teh review is not so big
  • the title of teh film and subheading are written in clear, bold fonts in order for the audience to read it properly
  • the structure of the review is simple with the image at the top, the title of the film is written directly below the image, this then follows through with the main text in columns

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