Tuesday 18 December 2012

Animal Kingdom Review Analysis

Animal Kingdom

  • the text uses columns which are not divided with subheading however are just written as one big text
  • the image is placed at the top of the text in order to make it stand out and to catch the readers attention
  • key quotes are in bold in order to stand out and is placed in teh middle of the actual review in order to signify its importance
  • the title of the film is written in block capitals which are clear and easy to read
  • page numbers, magazine name and rating are also present on the magazine in small fonts at the bottom of the page
  • a simple colour scheme is used, no bright colours are used
  • no text boxes are used in the magazine review in order to give it a simple layout and structure which the audience can follow through easily
  • the only subheadings that are used are in a separate side column listing the plot and other features which may draw the readers on or they may read this and decide weather it is their type of film or not in order to decide weather they should continue reading or not
  • page numbers are also used in order for the audience to find the page easily when going through the contents page and they may also want to keep viewing the page so this is very useful
  • the structure of the review is simple with the image at the top, the title of the film is written on the image, this then follows through with the main text in columns below

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