Tuesday 18 December 2012

Kidulthood Magazine Review Analysis

Kidulthood Magazine Review

  • images are used at the top, middle and the bottom of the review. image choice is based on which key images represent the film the best- using teenagers, smoking and the street life. mainly there are mid-close shots apart from the image in the middle which is a wide shot.
  • the review starts with a mini introduction followed by images to the right. beneath the introduction is a heading which isn't the film name however portrays it perfectly. on the kidulthood poster it relates to adulthood in the same way it says boys to men. this also implies the same meaning.
  • the picture to text ratio is high hence implying that the images are more important.
  • a lack, white and red colour theme is used this could be to make the review stand out as they are contrasting colours.
  • columns are used for the main text review in order to have a clear layout. there isn't much text however this could be to suit the audience which is teenagers.
  • star rating is not used in the magazine review this is possibly as the writer thinks that the language of the review should explain how good the film actually is rather then a rating.
  • there are also no text boxes or direct captions to the review this could be to make the review less formal and so that the readers can read which ever bit suits them in an inordinary fashion.
  • page numbers are also used however just on one of the sides to the double page spread in a very small font.
  • the only pull quote used us taken out form the actual review which is a typical feature of a review. the language used is mid lexis siting the audience and drawing them in through the intense adjectives used.
  • the heading is split into two difference colours showing that they are two different things which contrast with each other.
  • bold and clear fonts are used in order to make the text stand out and draw the readers in.

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