Monday 17 December 2012

Shank Poster Analysis


Shank Poster Analysis

Use of images/s:
· wide shot- to show what they are wearing, body gestures, location and overall look
· taken from the centre point
· there is a ghostly picture of the gang above the main image which is made to look like clouds this is used to convey the idea that no matter what you do or where you are you are always being watched. hence creating a scary atmosphere which relates to the genre of it being a thriller film
· the six characters shown in the image are assumingly the main characters of the film who look like they are running preferably from another gang so escaping from the gang culture (key theme) of the area they live in, this also realtes to the film genre of being a thriller and conveying youth culture in its negative aspect
· the attitude of the characters looks scared and creates a very serious affect this could be done to set the atmosphere of the film for the audience
· the image suggests that everyone is of equal power and importance as they are all in one line
· the lighting in the image from the top is low key but as it goes down turns to high key lighting
· strong body gestures to show that they are not going to give up

Text used and its placement:
· pioneer of film following this genre; top of poster- 'From The Distributor of Kidulthood' Similar movie, makes the audience think of their thoughts of kidulthood to decide whether to watch the film or not
· quote; directly above the four star rating- 'RAW, GRIMY AND INTENSE...' persuasive and very positive making the audience want to watch the film
· name of actors; direct above film name- 'Adam Deacon etc' big name actors so may be easily identified by audience
· film name; centre of poster- 'Shank' bold, Sharpe, clear, in red which stands for danger signifying that there will be tragedy and other disasters hence making the audience think of whether such a film is appropriate for them
· soundtrack promotion; bottom of poster- 'Shank soundtrack featuring...' helps promote the film as well as adding a feature that the audience will possibly be interested in as one of the characters is a UK rapper a it is
· cinema date; above competition details-bottom of poster- 'in cinemas march 26' black banner, clear, stands out
· competition; between cinema date and web addressee- bottom of poster- 'Enter now at...' black banner, small font, however does help promote the film a lot
· web addressee; below competition details-bottom of poster-'' black banner, stands out and is very clear, bold, helps audience gain information

Combination of images and text:
· the word shank itself is an urban word for 'knife' hence the creator of the poster put in a man holding a knife carved into the letter A, this could symbolise a key theme of violence and the use of a knife in the film itself

Branding and other promotional methods used:
· the two members on left side of the poster (Adam Deacon and Bashy) are also from the cast of Adulthood so the audience of who have seen Adulthood will consequently recognise them in this poster and take an interest assuming that they play key roles in the film
· release date and website clearly written to catch the reader’s attention in order to promote it, web addressee essential for the audience to use if they want to find out more
· persuasive quote and rating makes the audience feel like the film is worth watching as four stars is a really good rating
· also as the review is coming from a highly reputational magazine making it more popular
· it is also promoted through the use of mentioning kidulthood as it is seen as a similar movie hence drawing similar fans/audiences
· promoting the soundtrack in order to make the audience more interested in the film and creating more fan case
· main promotion is through the competition created in order to see cast members play at their school and win free things
How these can be used/subverted into my film poster:
· convey serious atmosphere through the attitudes of characters
· Sharpe bold fonts
· write out character names on poster
· use web addressee and rating to promote the film
· film name in the middle of the poster
· have images on either side (top and bottom) of the film name

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