Sunday 16 December 2012

Kidulthood poster analysis

Kidulthood Poster Analysis:

use of images/s:
  • wide shot- to show what they are wearing, body gestures, location and overall look
  • taken from the centre point
  • two characters standing one of which is holding the girl sitting down which could be seen as a form of protection and the other standing in the shadow with a baseball bat which he is holding behind him this could represent the power and strength he is to convey this also shows that there is clear violence (key theme) in the film for which he may use the baseball bat this clearly links to teh genre of the film which is a thriller film, based on youth culture and its negative aspects.
  • the characters attitude in the picture appears to be very serious which could convey the atmosphere in the film as well as making the audience realise the seriousness (key theme) hence it will only attract the right type of audience of which who are less disturbed by intense films as some people may not feel comfortable watching such a film
  • dark poster hence making it less eye-catchy
  • the lighting in the film is high key (dark and dim) this could convey the darkness in their lives or in the film overall
  • however light is shining strongly in the centre of the image so above the boy in the middle and making it more grey towards the sides. this could reflect that the character in the middle is the leader of the crew or he is seen as the more stronger one compared to the others despite of how important they all may be
  • there is not a lot of colour used in the poster only black, white and grey contrasting together.
  • location in the poster is off a typical drama in an inner city area in order to make the story more relatable and realistic
  • the hooded tracksuits, baseball jackets and caps are used to make the characters more appealing and look more 'dangerous' in order to suit their role and set out the characters they are
  • this is also conveyed in their facial expressions as they look like they are not bothered and relaxed even though in reality as a teenager they may have a lot going on
text used and its placement:
  • quote placed under the 5star rating- 'powerful, moving and unforgettable...' uses emotive language to make the audience want to watch the film
  • slogan/tag line placed just above the film title, bottom of poster- 'before adulthood comes...' can be seen as harsh as it makes it seem as kidulthood is just a trial towards adulthood conveying the idea that you need to survive and stay strong during kidulthood in order to get through to the adulthood stage. this could be significantly linked to the stage the characters are in of their life hence late teens preferably. Bold- easy to read in the white font.
  • title of film placed directly under the slogan, bottom of poster- 'Kidulthood' the title is written in all uppercase letters apart from the letter 'I' this could convey the immaturity of the characters as well as the idea of youth slang. the title has an interesting mix of childhood and adult hood converted into kidulthood to accompany them both. this could be to show that the characters are inbetween both stages. this is strategically used through the idea of wanting to be a kid however having to deal with real life, adult situation which is seen through the attitudes and theme of violence. Bold, clean edged- easy to read in the white font.
  • soundtrack promotion and web addressee, right at the bottom of the poster- 'original soundtrack available...' and '' promotes the film and helps the audience know where they need to go for extra information. however due to the small font it may not be seen as a very important element of the poster.
combination of images and text:
  • colour of the fonts combing with where they are on the poster in order to make them stand out above the image e.g: black text being on the white sky, the white text being on the black floor and dark wall
  • the stars are placed in the sky this could be either to do with the idea that as the rating is important it should be placed in the high position or either to do with the idea of it being a dark location hence conveying it is the night
branding and other promotional methods used:
  • the poster has been rated 5stars in order to made the audience want to come and watch the film this is closely linked with the emotive language used directly under the rating- 'powerful moving and unforgettable...' as it backs the rating up with the quote.
  • also these 5stars indicate that it is a really good film overall
  • another promotional method used is the availability of the the sountrack of the artists and the website where more information can be obtained
how these can be used/subverted into my film poster:
  • Alisha's boyfriend can embrace/hold Alisha as the character standing in the centre of the poster is doing.
  • using high key lighting- dark and dim
  • serious attitude of Alisha's boyfriend preferably
  • Alisha could be in the light as the whole film is based more around her
  • use web addresse and rating to promote the film
  • the typography of KiDULTHOOD also been used for our film name

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